Tuesday 6 January 2009

More Greek Poker Games to Enjoy

If singles, doubles, cuckoo, and bombs are the only Greek poker variants you know and you’d like to expand your knowledge and experience, here are more poker variations to enjoy – some of which you might even have the opportunity to play online on poker sites.

Bombs with a Hat

If you’re familiar with the rules for playing bombs then learning this particular poka variant won’t be a hardship. The only difference between bombs and this game is the presence of one or two wildcards, also referred to as hats.

There are three acceptable hand combinations for bombs with a hat. The first combination would make use of 2 of the player’s cards, one wildcard, and two from a bomb. The second combination would make use of 2 of your cards and the rest from the bomb. The last will make use of all three of your cards, one wildcard, and one from the bomb.

Whether tria-full (three-full) or kenda-chroma (straight-flush) is used will depend on the hand combination allowed and used by the player.

Asanser or Elevator

One card is dealt to each player at the start of the game, followed by two board cards and forming a row of its own. Players are dealt another card, followed by two more board cards. By this time, you’d have three rows and two columns on the table. Players get another card before two cards are once more added to the table, creating two columns with three cards each. A wildcard is finally added at the middle of the two rows.

Winning hands are composed of either two hand cards and three board cards or vice versa. Community cards used in a hand must belong to the same row. The wildcard may be used in combination with either row. Finally, elevator is judged according to kenda chroma due to the number of cards available for play.

Pyramida or Pyramid

The game begins with players getting three cards each. On the table, a pyramid of cards are laid down – one card on top, two cards on the second and continuing on with the bottom row containing four cards.

A winning hand must be composed of at least two hand cards and two or more community cards. Players however can only use one card from each pyramid row. Community cards are revealed row per row, starting from the bottom.

Nekrotafeio or Cemetery

Players are dealt three to five cards each, depending on the number of persons playing at the table. Next, two rows of 5 face down cards are dealt on the table.

One card from each row is first revealed. The card with the higher value is considered the good row. The other row will then be considered the bad row and all cards held by the player that match those in the bad row would have to be discarded.

To make things more exciting, the deciding factor on which row is good or bad can depend on the last rather than the first card revealed. Cemetery is always played according to kenda chroma.

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